The following tasks are in the to do list:
- Function: Enhance the library to support logging of the first HTTP request. It is currently only able to retreive information in the second request. As a session is established only in the first request.
- Function: To provide Log4j configuration
- Function: To allow configuration in system property or deployment descriptor, or use JMX
- Portability: To test the software in different J2EE Server
- Portability: To include a second JDO implementation in the project
- Docs: To provide complete UML models
- JUnit: To implement a full, automated regressive unit test, and display test report on web with Maven
- JUnit: To name all test cases properly, i.e. TestXXX
- JUnit: to move all test cases to the right directory
- Maven: to configure Maven to use ANT build script
- Maven: to convert documentation from XDoc to Docbook simple format
- Maven: to enhance Maven to support automatic building and deployment of war.
- Maven: to configure Maven to use XDoclet
- Maven: to check and fix - javadoc report
- enforce cache/proxy disable, provide technical explaination
- Utilize JMX technology (with
- admin console
- basic statistics reporting / with chart
- live session monitoring
- make it as a site with advanced technical server side development information / to explain technical issues / demostrate the advanced tools
- to add outputstream link filter to modi fy all links and added clickthrough tracking