
Under construction


This project involves advanced J2EE server-side technologies. Including:

  • J2EE: Servlet Filter and Listener.
  • J2SE: Logging (Log4j), Persistency (JDO)
  • Tools: Code generation (XDoclet), Building and Integration (ANT)


The JHttpLog library requires the following libraries:

  • Apache Log4j

    Apache Log4j is used for application logging

  • Apache BeanUtils

    Apache Jakarta Commons BeanUtils is used. Collected data are stored into a DynaBean.

  • JDO

    In order to simplify the database connectivity works, it is decided to utilize an Object Relational Mapping framework. Java Data Object (JDO) is chosen for compliant to Java stardand. The JDO Reference Implementation or Apache OJB (that uses the same RI) are possible choices of JDO implementation.